The Beginning of Style Lush

The Beginning of Style Lush

To be perfectly honest from the age of 4, gardening with my Pa was my top priority. Then it bloomed into a crazy rollercoaster ride of learning, school, long hours and a career with endless potential.

However, when my Pa passed earlier this year, one of the last conversations we had was about my work.

“You are destined for so much more than what you are doing right now. So much of your talent and brain is not getting used to it’s full potential. Stop worrying, believe in yourself as much as all of us believe in you.” - Pa

My Husband agreed, my friends have encouraged and my family... well they are probably rolling their eyes saying “about damn time.”

For “Style Lush” has been a concept in my head and something I have dreamed about my entire life, yet never was game enough to take the leap. So here I am, my Angel from above has spoken and Style Lush is born.

Welcome to my vision and life long dream. I hope it excites your senses and takes your breath away. Just like the creative ideas do to me, every single day.

Rach x

(The Photo above is from my first floristry competition at the International Melbourne and Flower Garden Show where I dedicated my “table for two” to my Pa and I, as always my biggest fan.)